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Does alcohol cause cancer?

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I paused posting for a while because I lost someone to alcohol and I was grieving, they died. :( This isn't the first person I've lost to alcohol.


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  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    I've already talked about how billionaires make economic rent off of vice in a Forbes article.

    Now I am focusing on the disinformation industry that creates a health halo effect about alochol. Using industry funded non-profits. That mislead us about the health benefits of moderate drinking. That lobbied government to allow supermarkets to sell alcohol even though easy use is a risk factor according to wiki.

    That spent massive amounts of money marketing a carcinogen and using merchants of doubt strategy mirror big tobacco. Just look at the scary long term effects of heavy drinking. Heavy drinking is often 6 drinks a day but many people drink 10+ a day. The evidence becomes very clear when you get to 6+ drinks a day let alone 10 that alcohol is harmful to health.

     alcohol is addictive like opium and due to alcohol tolerance people tend to drink more and more. Considering this, ethanol would never be prescribed as a medication for moderate heart health benefits. Once you drink enough all benefits go away and you are more likely to die from heart failure.

    We need regulated capitalism. Yet, when capitalism is unregulated Democracy is weakened and power displaces reality.

    "higher excise taxes, limits on the number of outlets selling alcohol in a particular area, stricter enforcement of underage drinking laws, and caps on the numbers of days and hours when alcohol can be sold. There’s a huge body of research supporting the effectiveness of these policies" motherjones

    The above would be sensible, but instead of a democratic and capitalistic solution we get the fascist creep of freedumb, freeDUMB, FREEDUMB used by "libertarians" twisting liberal values upon their selves. 
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -   edited March 6


    alcohol is addictive like opium

    No it's not , stop with the ridiculous exaggerations.

     and due to alcohol tolerance people tend to drink more and more.

    Utter nonsense again more ridiculous exaggerations.

     Considering this, ethanol would never be prescribed as a medication for moderate heart health benefits. Once you drink enough all benefits go away and you are more likely to die from heart failure.

    More nonsense , obviously you're in a rage over losing family members to alchohol , stop lashing out with sweeping generalisations it doesn't help your cause / crusade.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -   edited March 6

    Sigh, this website is full of trolls this is why I don't bother to come here often. The contender Joeseph attempts an ad hominem followed by Reductio ad absurdum a vald argument type but fails falling into a slippery slope argument.
    The rest of argument can be dismissed via Hitchen's razor what is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. I provided evidence my opponent didn't enough said.

    Now pinpointing exactly what was wrong with Joeseph's logic is the difficult part. Far easier to make weak arguments than debunk them Brandolini's lawThe part about me being a killjoy is an ad hominem by attacking my intent as opposed to addressing my argument. Note, I could make ad hominems too, maybe Joseph works at a bar thus having a conflict of interest.  The restrictions I mentioned are reasonable.

     As for the others there are reasonable restrictions like getting vaccines to protect against HPV and bringing greater awareness to gambling addictions, what Joseph says is a slippery slope and effectively a straw-person argument, attacking arguments i didn't make nor would be logically follow from the previous arguments I've made. This was exhausting explaining this.


  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    According to the 3 part documentary prohibition Americans 15 and older drank 88 bottles of whiskey a year. Alcholic spending was more than federal expenditure. People didn't get the hint right away that 2-3% alcohol beer wasn't the same as much higher % alochol distilled spirits.
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    Sigh, this website is full of trolls this is why I don't bother to come here often.

    Nor do I for the same reason. 

     The contender Joeseph attempts an ad hominem 

    No I didn't,  I actually called you what you are a killjoy as lots of people enjoy a drink without being victims of alchohol abuse 

    The rest of argument can be dismissed via Hitchen's razor what is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. I provided evidence my opponent didn't enough said.

    What did I assert without evidence?

    Now pinpointing exactly what was wrong with Joeseph's logic is the difficult part. Far easier to make weak arguments than debunk them Brandolini's lawThe part about me being a killjoy is an ad hominem by attacking my intent as opposed to addressing my argument. Note

    What Ad Hominem did I make? You admitted you want government intervention to implement your draconian demands all based on your emotional arguments.

    , I could make ad hominems too, maybe Joseph works at a bar thus having a conflict of interest.  The restrictions I mentioned are reasonable.

    I don't work at a bar , the restrictions you mention are unreasonable you thankfully don't get to demand adults follow your dictates.

     As for the others there are reasonable restrictions like getting vaccines to protect against HPV and bringing greater awareness to gambling addictions, what Joseph says is a slippery slope and effectively a straw-person argument, attacking arguments i didn't make nor would be logically follow from the previous arguments I've made. This was exhausting explaining this.

    I suggest you stop making emotional arguments and stop taking out you rage on those who drink responsibly , obviously your preaching didn't work on your relatives your rage is misplaced.
    It's exhausting explain this to you , why do you always preach and talk down to others?

  • PutinPutin 107 Pts   -   edited March 6
    Drinking is the Joy of the Rus, so Заткнись.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  

    No idea what that Russian word is.

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  

    There is no drinking responsibly.


    The risks and harms associated with drinking alcohol have been systematically evaluated over the years and are well documented. The World Health Organization has now published a statement in The Lancet Public Health: when it comes to alcohol consumption, there is no safe amount that does not affect health."

    The myth of drinking responsibly comes from the Big Booze industry.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  

    Sorry for your loss first and foremost. Lost my wife four years age from copd which of course was brought on by almost 50 years of smoking. They used to just call it emphysema. 

    The interesting thing about that forbes vice billionaire list is how much gambling is exploited for cash. Only one cigarette related business was on it. Bottom line though is people chose to use what they use. Adults will have their vices. As much as I loved my wife, she was an adult and made her own choices. She was a strong woman but she had her vices. As do I though I quit smoking a little over twenty years ago. 

    What I find appalling though is the stat concerning 15 years old and older. These kids aren't producing this booze themselves. They're getting it from adults. Can we stop these adults? I'm 100% with you on that if that is part of your objection to alcohol. 
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1128 Pts   -  

    "There is no drinking responsibly."

    I know low levels of alcohol were stated to be harmful but there needs to be evidence of how harmful.

    Soda and cookies I wouldnt say have positive health benefits but i think you can still be responsible about them.

    People have control over there health and if they want to be unhealthy that is there decision.
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -   edited March 6

    **There is no drinking responsibly**

    So everyone that drinks does so irresponsibly?

    It's a great pity you don't do even a tiny bit of research into the health benifits of moderate drinking but people like you don't do that as you prefer to preach and talk down to those who reject your sweeping one size fits all generalistions's safe to say that,preventable death in most countries.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  

    Your link more or less agrees with me. Remember there is scientific variance and legitimate reasons why experts come to slightly different conclusions.

    "If you already drink alcohol or plan to begin, keep it moderate—no more than 2 drinks a day for men or 1 drink a day for women."

  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  
    Dreamer said:

    Your link more or less agrees with me. Remember there is scientific variance and legitimate reasons why experts come to slightly different conclusions.

    "If you already drink alcohol or plan to begin, keep it moderate—no more than 2 drinks a day for men or 1 drink a day for women."

    Kinda sucks about women though because I seen women handle their liquor better than men. 
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    No my link doesn't agree with you at all as you said " they mislead us about health benefits of moderate drinking"

    Who are " they" ? You keep mentioning " "they.".

    You do this every time on every topic such is your need to force your totally skewed position on others.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer That is really sad but I suppose we all live and learn. I suppose the learning experience you get is that you have to be careful about the friends you choose.
    What we know about most cancers is that they occur when certain parts and systems in the body are hammered hard. In the case of alcos I think you’ll find that all that abuse affects the body in many ways. The pancreas and the liver and kidneys all get pushed beyond there limits so it’s no wonder all those cells are going to mutate and get cancerus. 
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  


    So everyone that drinks does so irresponsibly? Seriously?
  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph Alcohol is probably more dangerous than heroin. The reason why you get so many heroin deaths is that it all ways comes from unreliable sauces so you don’t know its purity. Look at when there was prohibition and people were dropping off like flies because you didn’t know the purity of it. 
    And for the record if I was given the choice of an Uber driver whose drunk or one that’s on heroin I would take the one on heroin any day.
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    Alcohol is probably more dangerous than heroin

    Well most everyone I know enjoys a drink without ill effect the same certainly cannot be said for heroin.

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  

    They = industry non-profit groups read the entire motherjones article for clarification. Most of the confusion comes from a vague definition of moderate drinking. The link you provided says two drinks for men and one drink for women is moderate drinking.

    Furthermore, alcohol is addictive and due to alochol tolerance one drink a day eventually becomes two a day, three, and so forth. This may lead to alcohol dependence. That's why I am of the opinion that any amount of drinking is irresponsible.

    "Alcohol tolerance is increased by regular drinking.[1] This reduced sensitivity to the physical effects of alcohol consumption requires that higher quantities of alcohol be consumed in order to achieve the same effects as before tolerance was established. Alcohol tolerance may lead to (or be a sign of) alcohol dependence.[1]"

     People with an active addiction will say horrible words, but its the addiction talking.

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Prebunking prohibition:

    One claim that is often made is prohibition failed, which is true and it is better to prebunk this.

    First, I am on the wet side, I would be anti-prohibition if I went back in time to the 19th century. Many of the proposals I am making are reasonable and would be made by wet advocates, higher taxes on alcohol for example.

    There's many reasons why prohibition failed. A major problem was misinformation and propaganda by the prohibitionists. Understand prohibitions were liars. American Temperance Society or a similar group, difficult to keep track of all the names, had schools taught myths to schoolchildren teaching that a single drink could cause insanity and death. If anything prohibition would cause this due to tainted bathtub gin.

    Other reasons is prohibition was a divisive issue with ties to racism and xenophobia. The entire temperance movement was tainted from the beginning. The main reason the constitution was amended was because of WWI and anti-German bigotry. Many in the temperance movement were really anti-saloon and anti-immigrant and continued to drink their-selves.

    Yet, we can still learn from our mistakes. There was legitimate concern about the collusion of taverns owners and politicians. The harm done by alochol.  

    Just as I see people in al-anon groups today blame alochol on everything, so did many famous prohibitionists. In conclusion I am very much against prohibition. Tainted bathtub gin alone would be reason enough to allow alochol to be legal. I just think we went too far the other way. The home delivery of alochol is excessive for example.

  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    They = industry non-profit groups read the entire motherjones article for clarification. Most of the confusion comes from a vague definition of moderate drinking. The link you provided says two drinks for men and one drink for women is moderate drinking.

    I think most people who aren't alcoholics have a fair idea of moderation in drink , food etc, etc .

    Furthermore, alcohol is addictive and due to alochol tolerance one drink a day eventually becomes two a day, three, and so forth.

    Nonsense , almost everyone I know is a social drinker and none are addicted ,also consumption does not go up for most , why do you keep making stuff up?

    This may lead to alcohol dependence.

    Wow! " may lead" you can say the same about anything.

    That's why I am of the opinion that any amount of drinking is irresponsible.

    Well don't drink then but stop preaching to others you little Hitler.

    "Alcohol tolerance is increased by regular drinking.[1] This reduced sensitivity to the physical effects of alcohol consumption requires that higher quantities of alcohol be consumed in order to achieve the same effects as before tolerance was established. Alcohol tolerance may lead to (or be a sign of) alcohol dependence.[1]"

    Right so your contention is that the majority of people who drink keep increasing the amount they drink?  Seriously? 

    The majority of people who drink get the very same effect from the amount they  drink without ever increasing it , I just bet you've never drank , you're like a virgin going on about sex.

     People with an active addiction will say horrible words, but its the addiction talking.

    How do you know its not the truth? Also most drinkers are not addicts.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  

    Okay we have reached the end of the debate with you using ad hominem, strong loaded words, and analogies. Godwin's law
    There's seems to be no depth that is too low in your argumentation style. As for people around you being moderate drinkers this anecdotal fallacy. How would you know? Active addicts are extremely good at lying. So unless you watched them 24 hours a day or had them take a blood test you wouldn't know.

    We do that many people die per year from alochol. About 178k people die annually just in the US. Doctors can tell.

     The people who stopped drinking often have caused heavy damage to their organs and are in poor health from long term heavy drinking. That is how Big Booze pulled the wool over our eyes. Comparing ex-heavy drinkers to moderate drinkers. Then claiming moderate drinkers are healthier than non-drinkers, deliberately omitting people who never drank ever.

    There is also survivor bias, the people you see drinking in moderation are alive. The people who drank too much are six feet under.

    As for may lead to alcohol dependence and may lead can be said about anything that isn't true. You are conflating general usage with medical terms. When a scientist says product x may cause cancer that is a big deal. They don't want to fearmonger. There's nothing on the WHO saying that bananas may cause cancer in comparison or they are a type one carcinogen, but alochol is.

    I am done debating your Joeseph, if this ever was a debate and not a pseudo-debate.

    People need to be aware of the risks. Big Booze wants us ignorant and misinformed in the name of higher profits. How can people drink in moderation or responsibly if they are both ignorance and misinformed via a disinformation industry of non-profits funded by Big Booze?

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  
    I am drinking a glass of fine whiskey as I am reading this thread. Mmm!
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    I am drinking a glass of fine whiskey as I am reading this thread. Mmm!

    Enjoy , have another,  a bird never flew on one wing .......

  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    Okay we have reached the end of the debate with you using ad hominem, strong loaded words, and analogies

    You're not debating , you're preaching.

     Godwin's law

    I stated you're a little Hitler , that's exactly what you are lecturing others on how they should behave.

    There's seems to be no depth that is too low in your argumentation style.

    You really mean I called you out on your lies ,distortions and fabrications and you don't like it.

     As for people around you being moderate drinkers this anecdotal fallacy. How would you know?

    Oh right so they're all really alcoholics and very good at covering it....seriously? How did you know your relative was a booze hound.

    Active addicts are extremely good at lying.

    Right , got ya all drinkers are addicts and liars.

    So unless you watched them 24 hours a day or had them take a blood test you wouldn't know.

    Right all drinkers are alcoholics that's your contention.

    We do that many people die per year from alochol. About 178k people die annually just in the US. Doctors can tell.

    You left out  that they're Abusers of alcholol you dishonest pr-ck.

     The people who stopped drinking often have caused heavy damage to their organs and are in poor health from long term heavy drinking. That is how Big Booze pulled the wool over our eyes. Comparing ex-heavy drinkers to moderate drinkers. Then claiming moderate drinkers are healthier than non-drinkers, deliberately omitting people who never drank ever.

    But I mentioned responsible drinking you dishonest pr-ck

    There is also survivor bias, the people you see drinking in moderation are alive. The people who drank too much are six feet under.

    Yes, that's what happens alcoholics you id- ot, you're arguing cases I never made.

    As for may lead to alcohol dependence and may lead can be said about anything that isn't true. You are conflating general usage with medical terms. When a scientist says product x may cause cancer that is a big deal. They don't want to fearmonger. There's nothing on the WHO saying that bananas may cause cancer in comparison or they are a type one carcinogen, but alochol is.

    What are you ranting about you clown?

    I am done debating your Joeseph, if this ever was a debate and not a pseudo-debate.

    You're not debating you're preaching and comparing everyone who drinks to your alcoholic weak  willed family.

    People need to be aware of the risks.

    Gee thanks , most are aware you troll.

    Big Booze wants us ignorant and misinformed in the name of higher profits.

    Do they indeed? Yet drink companies here have to tell people the dangers of misuse of their products so that's yet another of your lies laid to rest.

    How can people drink in moderation or responsibly if they are both ignorance and misinformed via a disinformation industry of non-profits funded by Big Booze?

    The only one ignorant of the dangers of booze seem to be your family members who were too dumb to take heed so lay off with the little Hitler act demanding people are punished for enjoying themselves 

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  
    Joeseph said:

    I am drinking a glass of fine whiskey as I am reading this thread. Mmm!

    Enjoy , have another,  a bird never flew on one wing .......
    Too much work to do, and there is a fine line between being slightly more relaxed, and seeing doubles everywhere. :D
  • GiantManGiantMan 47 Pts   -  
    Pay no attention to @Joeseph.  He's just a mean drunk.  LOL
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -   edited March 8

    Pay no attention to @Joeseph.  He's just a mean drunk.  LOL

    I've never been drunk in my life , but I may have to get drunk if I have to plug your mother for a bet 
  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ;Well most everyone I know enjoys a drink without ill effect the same certainly cannot be said for heroin.

    Wrong. Heroin is a proprietary pain killer and although the synthetic versions are used mostly nower days it is far less harmless than alcohol in terms of its affects and the side affects and social affects. Taken in moderation both drugs can be beneficial and cause no problems. When both are abused it is alcohol that has far more damaging affects on the body and is the largest cause of physical violence leading to harm and death.

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    In regards to an increased tax on alcohol, I want the price to reflect the externality.  A person drinks to they lose their job and then tax payers pay via public medical insurance. The US has medicaid and medicare, not sure about other countries. Let alone the damage done by drunk drivers.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  
    Barnardot said:
    @Joeseph ;Well most everyone I know enjoys a drink without ill effect the same certainly cannot be said for heroin.

    Wrong. Heroin is a proprietary pain killer and although the synthetic versions are used mostly nower days it is far less harmless than alcohol in terms of its affects and the side affects and social affects. Taken in moderation both drugs can be beneficial and cause no problems. When both are abused it is alcohol that has far more damaging affects on the body and is the largest cause of physical violence leading to harm and death.

    Can't we all jus smoke pot and get along?
  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -   edited March 9

    Wrong.Youre actually ignoring and denying what I said which was " most people I know enjoy a drink without  ill effect" 

    Every person  l know who got involved with heroin  is dead or addicted or eventually kicked the habit.

    What's staggering to me is the fact that of the opioid crisis  in the US  fuelled by the Sackler family which  wreaked havoc in the US yet here you are defending its usage ,you're also saying heroin is a drug that one can and does use casually .....seriously are you for real?

    Incidentally we all know of alchohol abuse and its effects , is your contention that the majority abuse it?

    Incidentally the most addictive substances known to man are in order ..... 

    1: Heroin 

    2: Cocaine


    4: Barbiturates 

    5: Alchol 

    Yet here  you are making a case for heroin WOW,,,,,,,,,,,

    Tobacco, obesity ,inactivity and drugs kill more in the US every year than alchol , the leading cause of death in the US is caused by heart disease, ctheses are all.facts .....
    Drug poisoning accounted for 756,160 deaths,3 while 374,197 deaths were alcohol-induced.

    Just bet you still deny this.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -  
    @Factfinder ;Can't we all jus smoke pot and get along?


  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -   edited March 9
    @Joeseph ;Wrong.Youre actually ignoring and denying what I said which was " most people I know enjoy a drink without  ill effect" 

    For f**k sake.

    Oh well like derr your totally right there. I did f**king ignore what you said but hay. Heres the rub. I dont deny it one single bit. You actually and for all in tents and purposes did actually say that in point and fact. There is absolutely no despute from this end what so ever. But its just that when you say Most people I know tells me one thing. Like what you actually know about the effects of alcohol and heroin could be written in headline type a cross a fleas nuts. 

  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -   edited March 9
    @Joeseph ;Drug poisoning accounted for 756,160 deaths,3 while 374,197 deaths were alcohol-induced.

    And for your effing info. Since your in tent on quoting dum miss leading stats. We were talking about Heroin right? Yes right.

    Does drug poisoning mean heroin only? No it doesnt.

    Does drug poisoning include every drug known to man kind including alcohol? Yes it does. 

    Do you need to get a descent education? Yes

    Do you need to get some more friends other than than the 2 la de das that you all ready associate with and go silly after 1 galss of Chardonnay? Yes.

  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    But its just that when you say Most people I know tells me one thing. Like what you actually know about the effects of alcohol and heroin could be written in headline type a cross a fleas nuts. 

    Well that doesn't say much for you then you  id-ot as you actually said .......heroin is far less harmless than alcohol in terms of its affects and the side affects and social affects. 

    What planet do you live on you dumb f-ck? Pretty sad a European has to educate you on what's happening in your own country.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -   edited March 9
    @Joeseph ;What planet do you live on you dumb f-ck? Pretty sad a European has to educate you on what's happening in your own country.

    come on lighten up. Just because you got totally defeated on a topic that you know totally nothing about :) :) :)

    Your better off arguing about psycologists and dum scam web sites that sell crap. Al least every one here pzzes them selves listening to that crap.

  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -   edited March 9

    come on lighten up. 

    Your the one needs to lighten up you big gurl , you're to terrified to have a beer in case you become an alco you and Dreamer should form a killjoy club where everyone is in bed at 9 with a cup of hot chocolate and a bible.

    Just because you got totally defeated on a topic that you know totally nothing about   

    You mean like me having to explain to you that heroin is addictive and lethal.......LOL 

    Your better off arguing about psycologists and dum scam web sites that sell crap

    You mean like your Pakistan made Nikes , why would i argue that when a d-mb f-ck like you would go on buying them anyway?

    Ha , ha you're still sore 73 pscholgists along with me are still laughing at you ........booooò hooooooo

     Al least every one here pzzes them selves listening to that crap.

    Chr-st even for a yank you're one dumb f-ck..........lighten up take non binrary Dreamer out for a bottle or two of that piss water ( Bud) you id-otic yanks classify as beer you never know you might get the leg over ........yeeeeeee haaaaaaaa

  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -  
    An interesting reason to be against prohibition. Sounds like Nixon's dog whistling the war on drugs.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ;You mean like me having to explain to you that heroin is addictive and lethal.......LOL 

    Oh no thats not what I mean. I take full responsibility for not explaining that. Like its about you explaining that heroin is more addictive and lethal than alcohol and causes more damage to society than heroin.

    Heres a clue. You actually might have to actually do some real research on real responsible legit sites that arent extreme and that arent littered with scams. 

  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    Right got ya everything you disagree with is because the information is from a scam site.........

    Barndoor makes up lies gets caught and gets whipped again.

  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    Bardoor caught lying and making stuff up.....again work here is done.

    Run along now it must be 7 in the evening over there ,  go get Dreamer ready for bed bible study and a nice glass of hot milk pair of wet blankets
  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -  
    @Joeseph ;Right got ya everything you disagree with is because the information is from a scam site.........

    Barndoor makes up lies gets caught and gets whipped again.

    Yes right. Yep you’re quiet right there and um yep well yessir um that’s right and yeah. I can see through it all though. Very smart I have to say.

  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    Know your place boy ........did you wag your finger at anyone you seen have a beer over the weekend? You got to let them know you're not pleased at people having fun.
  • DreamerDreamer 272 Pts   -   edited March 14
    According to the PBS documentary Prohibition 10% of Americans have the disease of alcoholism, AUD alochol use disorder. Again, prohibition wasn't the way to go, no legal age for example to drink when alcohol illegal. Legalize and now there is age restrictions.

    Economic burden of alcohol use disorder in the united states In 2010 alcohol misuse cost the United States 249 billion

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -   edited March 14
    Welcome back.  What is the line where you think a person should be allowed to make their own decisions even if what they are doing may have some negative effects?  For example, you have said we should not allow alcohol consumption because it causes health problems and drunk driving causes deaths, but someone else could make the same argument with certain sexual practices and then claim we should outlaw those practices because they substantially increase the risks of some cancers, and they increase the risk of communicable and possibly deadly diseases like AIDS.  How do you rationalize one but not the other?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  
    Ahh, this vodka is so good. Drinking vodka while solving a hard LeetCode problem is so much fun. Am I right?! No, just me? Oh, okay...
  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;Ahh, this vodka is so good. Drinking vodka while solving a hard LeetCode problem is so much fun. Am I right?! No, just me? Oh, okay...

    Well may be there is a viscous circle going on here. You have so many problems with your crapy ancient 3rd world laptop and you have to wait so long for the screen to re fresh that you take slugs of vodka in between. Then you get to frustrated trying to answer the questions that your got fat chance of getting a job any way. Then one day your going to sober up and think to your self wow this is costing me a real heap full of money.

  • PorfirioDiazPorfirioDiaz 33 Pts   -   edited March 15
    Alcohol causes more than cancer. It also causes in some instances divorce, a broken nose or purple eye, stripped from freedom, a world with nothing but men, to loose your wallet sometimes teeth, all kinds of stuff. But within your body, cancer is the little league compared to other irreparable damage from excessive alcohol use. The good thing about alcohol use and the effects it has on the human body is that by the time alcohol wraps it up maximizing its damage on your body, by that time youve already lived your 100 years and already dead anyway. So cual es el pedo.

    Also, this whole time ive always thought barnadot was a girl. If i knew that then i wouldnt be so nice. 
  • BarnardotBarnardot 545 Pts   -  
    @PorfirioDiaz ;Alcohol causes more than cancer.

    I like your argument and sums it up quiet rightly.

    I said it before that if I had a choice between 2 Uber drivers and one was on heroin and the other was drunk I would choose the heroin driver any day.

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